原價 : |
$ 24,900.00 |
售價 : |
$ 21,165.00 |
Welcome to the exciting history of Ángel León. A work that covers absolutely all the work of the restaurant that looks out to sea, cooks the sea and thinks in terms of salt. A beautiful journey through texts in which Ángel León pours himself out professionally and emotionally; essays on products, species, techniques...; and all of this leading to more than 1000 pages and 150 creations of the most special and unique restaurant that exists in the world panorama of gastronomy.
Volume 1. Past, present and future of a marine dream come true.
Volume 2. The states of the sea. Inspirations and transformations.
Volume 3. The marsh, the surroundings of Aponiente.
Volume 4. Caressing tradition.
Volume 5. Cooking the sea with the soul.
Volume 6. Salt in a sweet key.
歡迎來到 Ángel León 激動人心的世界。此套食譜由 6 冊 1000 多頁 150 個創意食譜所構成。Aponiente 是主廚 Ángel León 所領導的米其林三星餐廳,他因致力於透過研究新食材來保護和管理海洋而聞名,這些新食材可減輕捕撈壓力並促進永續捕撈活動。 Ángel León 採用了從海洋中丟棄、甚至不為人知的海洋物種以他對海洋的深切尊重以及其巨大的創新能力所創造的海鮮佳餚,重新定義美食概念,作為當今社會的變革力量,例如透過烹飪保護大自然、與國際非政府組織合作等等。Aponiente 擁有強大的國際影響力,這位革命性的前衛廚師從巨大的海洋儲藏室中發現了新的食材,例如海洋浮游植物,這就是為什麼他被授予米其林三顆星和首屆米其林永續發展綠色之星(有史以來第一家綠色米其林星級餐廳),以表彰他對永續美食實踐的堅定承諾。
ISBN 10 / 13 : |
9788472122031 |
作者 :
* Ángel León
出版年 : |
2024/12 |
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