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Hospitality and Travel Marketing, 4/e(Morrison)    首頁 > 2015-2025 新進原文教科書

Description :

Global orientation, and whole-industry coverage of hospitality and tourism set this book apart. This systematic approach to hospitality and travel marketing is written in a user-friendly style. Readers will benefit from the practical nature, and excellent use of relevant and up-to-date cases. Global experience in the industry is emphasized through content on destination marketing and others parts of tourism, along with case examples from around the world. The content draws upon the authors’ experience in the hospitality and travel marketing industry, as well as teaching experience from around the globe including the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Hospitality and Travel Marketing reflects all of the latest trends in the field, including Internet marketing and e-commerce, loyalty marketing, brand extension marketing, and destination branding.

Features :

  • Provides readers with a systematic approach to marketing summarized in the PRICE model that can be applied in all sectors of hospitality and tourism
  • Morrison's 8 Ps have gained universal acceptance by practitioners worldwide in tourism and hospitality, as a valid and practical extension of McCarthy's 4P marketing mix model
  • Every chapter has a short sidebar feature discussing an application of technology related to the chapter content
  • Interesting tidbits of information contained on ?Did You Know? features relates to marketing, and hospitality and travel customers
  • Web site links to all the organizations discussed in the chapter, and to other useful web sites are located at the end of each chapter
  • A systematic and practical approach to developing a marketing plan for a hospitality and tourism organization
  • Global Perspective: The Bigger Picture feature provides case examples from hospitality and tourism organizations outside of the USA
  • New material has been added on international cases and examples, and on interactive/Internet marketing
  • Table of Contents :

    Chapter 1: Intro to Marketing
    Chapter 2: Marketing Hospitality and Travel Services
    Chapter 3: The Hospitality and Travel Marketing System
    Chapter 4: Customer Behavior
    Chapter 5: analyzing Marketing Opportunities
    Chapter 6: Marketing research
    Chapter 7: Marketing Strategy: Market Segmentation and Trends
    Chapter 8: Strategies, Positioning, and Marketing Objectives
    Chapter 9: The Marketing Plan and the 8 P''s
    Chapter 10: Product Development and Partnership
    Chapter 11: People: Services and Service Quality
    Chapter 12: Packaging and Programming
    Chapter 13: The Distribution Mix and the Travel Trade
    Chapter 14: Communications and th Promotional Mix
    Chapter 15: Advertising
    Chapter 16: Sales Promotion and Merchandising
    Chapter 17: Personal Selling and Sales Management
    Chapter 18: Public Relations and Publicity
    Chapter 19: Pricing


    ISBN 10 / 13 : 9781435486867, 1435486862 作者 : Alastair M. Morrison
    出版年 : 2009 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
    教師配件 : IM, PPT, Test Bank
      PPT試讀版 1.7 M  2011-01-28

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