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Meetings, Expositions, Events & Conventions: An Introduction to the Industry, 3/e (Fenich)    首頁 > 2015-2025 新進原文教科書


For courses in Meeting, Event, Exposition and Convention Planning and Management.


The Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions industry continues to grow and garner increasing attention from the hospitality industry, communities, and college faculty.  With a broad view of the industry, this book moves beyond just one segment to include all aspects related to the MEEC industry.  Developed as a collaborative work, the text features contributions from some of the best and most notable practitioners and educators in the field.  (Using the Delphi method, even the text’s topics were selected based on industry input.) Now in its third edition, this revision features over 30 new case studies, the latest statistics and a new chapter devoted to green meetings and social responsibility.


For courses in Meeting, Event, Exposition and Convention Planning and Management.


The Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions industry continues to grow and garner increasing attention from the hospitality industry, communities, and college faculty.  With a broad view of the industry, this book moves beyond just one segment to include all aspects related to the MEEC industry.  Developed as a collaborative work, the text features contributions from some of the best and most notable practitioners and educators in the field.  (Using the Delphi method, even the text’s topics were selected based on industry input.) Now in its third edition, this revision features over 30 new case studies, the latest statistics and a new chapter devoted to green meetings and social responsibility.


Hallmark Features


Overview of all aspects of the MEEC industry–industry experts used a Delphi Method to select topics addressed.

  • Moves beyond just one segment (special events, conventions) to give readers an introduction to all aspects of the industry.
  • Includes topics based on recommendations from educators and practitioners nationwide. 

Contributions by industry experts–offer insights from reputable practitioners and educators in the field.

  • Provides students with a single collaborative work featuring chapters written by some of the leaders in the industry. 

Full-length case study of a convention—including all the planning and follow-up that is required.

  • Allows students to see how all the topics covered fit together in a real-world setting. 

Multiple vignettes relate to each chapter topic–and add common reference points for in-class application.

  • Provides students with real-life scenarios that break up the text and provide additional points of interest.

New To This Edition

Fully updated in this edition to include:

  • New statistics and data
  • Expanded international coverage
  • Consolidated coverage of planning and producing MEEC gatherings
  • A new compendium of over 30 case studies
  • A new compendium of hundreds of current events articles 

New! Chapter 13: Green Meetings & Social Responsibility–appears in this edition.

  • Describes the best practices in green meetings, the costs of being green, and where there are opportunities for meetings and events to be more environmentally sensitive.

Table of Contents

1.    Introduction to the Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions Industry

2.    Meeting, Exhibition, Event, And Convention Organizers and Sponsors

3.    Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)

4.    Meeting and Convention Venues

5.    Exhibitions

6.    Service Contractors

7.    Destination Management Companies (DMC)

8.    Special Events Management

9.    Planning and Producing MEEC Gatherings

10.  Food and Beverage

11.  Legal Issues in the MEEC Industry

12.  Technology and the Meeting Professional

13.  Green Meetings & Social Responsibility

14.  International Aspects in MEEC

15.  Pulling It All Together

ISBN 10 / 13 : 9780132719919 作者 : George G. Fenich
出版年 : 2012 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
教師配件 : IM, PPT
  PPT試讀版 347 K  2012-01-02

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