桂魯專業書店 -- Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry (Hayes, Miller)
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Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry (Hayes, Miller)    首頁 > 2014-2024 新進原文教科書

Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry is filled with practical examples and best practices on the topic of revenue management, a critical aspect of the industry. Through numerous revenue management examples from the hospitality industry and a running case example throughout the book, students will discover how they can incorporate revenue management principles and best practices. The core of revenue management of a hospitality organisation is to, as the authors explain, "charge the right price, to the right customer, for the right product, through the right channel, at the right time." The book is intended for students with prior knowledge and understanding of the hospitality industry, and will explain what they need to know and how to be successful.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Revenue Management.

Chapter 2: Strategic Pricing.

Chapter 3: Value.

Chapter 4: Differential Pricing.

Chapter 5: The Revenue Manager's Role.

Chapter 6: Forecasting Demand.

Chapter 7: Inventory and Price Management.

Chapter 8: Distribution Channel Management.

Chapter 9: Evaluation of Revenue Management Efforts in Lodging.

Chapter 10: Revenue Management for Food and Beverage Services.

Chapter 11: Evaluation of Revenue Management Efforts in Food and Beverage Services.

Chapter 12: Specialized Applications of Revenue Management.

Chapter 13: Building Better Business.

The Wiley Advantage

  • Explores revenue management from the lodging, foodservice, and integrated perspectives
  • Numerous real-life revenue management examples from hospitality
  • RM at Work feature is a series of mini-case studies which allows readers to solve revenue management problems as if they were in a professional setting
  • RM in Action feature shows how revenue management principles are applied to real world examples from current events
  • RM on the Web allows readers to link to pertinent supplemental materials online
  • Key Concept Case Study is a running  case that progresses through the book to reinforce concepts within each chapter
  • Engaging approach written in an accessible format



ISBN 10 / 13 : 9780470393086 作者 : David K. Hayes, Allisha Miller
出版年 : 2011 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
教師配件 : V

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