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Kraus' Recreation & Leisure in Modern Society, 11/e (McLean, Hurd, Anderson)    首頁 > 2015-2025 新進原文教科書

The Eleventh Edition of Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society provides a detailed introduction to the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies. It addresses contemporary issues facing the recreation and leisure profession and focuses on challenges and opportunities that impact the profession now as well as years from now.  Extensive research into emerging trends helps support the text and provide insights into the future.  Focusing on the ten different types of organizations --ranging from nonprofit community organizations and armed forces recreation to sports management and travel and tourism sponsors -- this classic text is an invaluable resource for students considering a career in the recreation and leisure industry.

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Features and Benefits

     - New and revised Case Studies allow for the in-depth exploration of current issues impacting recreation and leisure now and in the future.

     - New Learning Objectives assist students in identifying key learning outcomes.

  • - Chapter 4, “History of Recreation and Leisure,” presents a comprehensive overview of historical trends in recreation from ancient civilizations to the modern day.
  • - Chapter 10, “Leisure as Profession,” showcases a new set of professionals and the day-to-day responsibilities of the career.
  • - Chapter 11, “Future Perspectives,” reflects the increased influence of millennials on recreation activities, as well as climate change as a focus of recreational organizations.
      Table of Contents
      Chapter  1  Foundations of Recreation and Leisure
      Chapter  2  Leisure Motivation
      Chapter  3  Sociocultural Factors Affecting Leisure
      Chapter  4  History of Recreation and Leisure
      Chapter  5  Social Functions of Community Recreation
      Chapter  6  The Leisure-Service System
      Chapter  7  Specialized Leisure-Service Areas
      Chapter  8  Travel and Tourism
      Chapter  9  Sport as Leisure
      Chapter  10  Leisure as a Profession
      Chapter  11  Future Perspectives
                    ISBN 10 / 13 : 9781284106817 作者 : Daniel McLean,Amy Hurd, Denise M. Anderson
                    出版年 : 2018 附註1 : 本書可提供學生特價,歡迎來電查詢
                    教師配件 : IM, PPT, Test Bank

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